So it begins...So hi and thank you for taking the time to check out my little blog. My name is Kendy however many people have gotten to know me as MissMuffcake over the years - I am fine with both names. I am a 30 year old chick who lives in Modesto, CA (central valley) with my boyfriend Matthew who is a independent film maker and the most awesomely - awesome cat named Mar which is short for Marilyn Manson.
I am someone of dreams and big hopes that does not involve getting out of this town. In fact I want to make this town better by bringing in new ideas and doing my own thing. For one thing we have a lack of vegan options that bigger cities take for granted - namely we have no Whole Foods, but I make do. Also there is not much of a art/crafting community that embraces everyone. I seek out individuals who are into vegan food and embroidery and talk their ear off! Seriously I am into what makes me happy and sharing that happiness. From vegan cream cheeze frosting to hair bows with skulls on them I like doing what I do and sharing in the process.
So with that premise I say welcome and please come back for updates, craft projects, vegan food, fluffy cat pictures and stories from someone who is trying to keep it real.