I already have plans for issue three due out in a few months. I want to focus on being a vibrant vegan. Lifestyle tips to keep you happy, yoga to make the stress go away, food that promotes a glow...You get the idea. If you have any ideas or want to write a article or submit a recipe - please do. You get a free copy!
Zines I am into right now and where to get them:
All I want Is Everything can be bought at ClickClackDistro. It is a great per-zine. I liked the bit about reminiscing about the 90s. I am feeling the 90s right now, big time Hole and Nirvana yearnings!
Nontoxic House Cleaning can be bought at Microcosm Publishing. It is a small zine but packed with useful tips and recipes that will spruce up your space!
The Juniper - for info you can check out Dan's blog. The issues of this zine have lots of great gardening tips. It makes me want to garden for real, not my half hearted attempts in the past.
Do you have any favorite zines right now? Let me know what they are!
I'm really looking forward to the zine!