Here is the deal - when I was 15 (almost 16 - the week of my birthday) I was hospitalized for like four days - they wanted to keep me more I wanted to get out for my birthday. I had a really bad case of pneumonia - and spent those days in the hospital out of it...
During my sickness and recovery I developed a dislike of soda. We were a soda family - not that we drank a lot of soda we just always had it around. I could not drink soda and did not like any form of soda until recently. I started drinking a few natural root beer brands - but did not like them - plus some of them even contained chemical sweeteners - ick! I discovered Zevia - they even have a vegan logo on the side and was hooked with my first grape soda. I think I have tried every flavor and my favorite has to be grape and then black cherry. I only drink one a day or every other day, a six pack costs me $4.99 and I don't want to go in debt over soda (add this to my Star Bucks addiction and I might have to start selling things off to get more drinks!)...
I know a lot of people are not crazy about the 0 calorie sweetener that comes from a leaf - I find the taste of it in the soda not offensive. I have had it in other drinks and I gag but I think the carbonation mellows it out. I don't think these sodas could replace a hard core soda drinkers daily habit but the flavors are really top notch and worth a try!
Here is a crafty project that uses recycled materials. These are jazzed up recipe cards - you can use them to pass on recipes or hole punch the corners and tie them with ribbon and make a lil recipe book! I am using loteria boards - feel free to use interesting food packaging (anything light cardboard will work - think cereal box weight).

Step 1: Cut your cardboard into pices that are like 4 1/2" by 3 1/2".

Step 2: Do this with printer paper to (I only had white - feel free to use colored paper!). Write down your recipes on this paper.
Step 3: Use a glue stick to glue your recipe onto the ugly (not the decorative side) of the cardboard. To get everything to stick - place the cards between books or under something flat and heavy for a few hours so the glue bonds the paper.

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