Monday, April 9, 2012


Let's start off with kitty bellies! When Mar's belly is exposed like this I just want to bury my face in his fluffy fur! Yes - I will be itchy and yes - I might walk away with a few scratches but oh my that fluffy fur!
I am taking some time to play catch up with my life. The last few weeks have been crazy busy and I was feeling it both psychically and mentally. Matt had shooting days where I was on set all day, the electricity around the house needed repair, I had my zine to get out, Easter shopping to do, projects that needed to be stitched....the list goes on. Things are getting completed now or are already completed. The Easter bunny came - I even got to play the Zumba game for Wii I got in my basket today!
On Saturday we got to spend the day in Sacramento. My zine is now carried in Phono Select - so if you are local go demand they carry more copies! We ate, went to Whole Foods, shopped and drank tea - nice and relaxed.

I am now in the middle of my Monday getting together new projects and ideas, thinking of my next zine and getting busy with words for the website This Dish Is Veg which I am now writing for! Right now a nap sounds nice...Maybe I will go take one!

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