Tuesday, December 9, 2014

EBABZ 2014 - New Zine

I tabled at EBABZ on Saturday. I was so happy to be there! My mood has been dark and rather gloomy due to anxiety but I was happy to be going and I put all of my fears aside to think of happy rainbows and meeting new people.
We started on the wrong foot, the alarm clock did not go off but Mady woke us up in time though. I scarfed down a bowl of cereal, took a shower smeared on some black eyeliner and off we went. Traffic was good, we got there when the doors were opening to the public, jumped out with my stuff and let Matt find parking. I set up my zines and met my table mate and proceeded to engage in as much zine talk, trading and putting myself out there as I could for the next seven hours.
Thanks to Matt and not thanks to not getting an extra chair Matt and I switched off table duty. Me heading to the farmer's market to get Flacos's, tofu sushi and coffee to try and wake myself up early on and him later on getting me an almond milk late to kick start my heart mid fest. We also took turns walking around both levels, buying zines, buying art, trading, seeing friends and making new ones.
By the end of the event I only had two zines left, a bag full of zines to read and a happy feeling that stretched through to every cell in my body.

After the zine fest I needed more coffee so we walked around. I grabbed another almond milk late, a vegan cookie to share with Matt and encountered some of the biggest fluffiest cats I have seen around town. In turn for good cat energy I bought them some treats and their human companion a smoothie. We made our way to Fantastic Comics and made our purchases just as protestors, cops and the helicopters were coming our way. I am all for protesting but getting caught up in a crowed with violence is not my thing. We went to Telegraph and found that a handful of the stores were closed because of protestors, bought some music/movies and went to go grab some food.We made our way back through Berkeley to Oakland's Whole Foods, bought food and shared some sweet confection from the bakery on our trip home.

I am still recovering! I have so many new zines to read, people to find and I need to catch up on some sleep. I am making my way to the printers this week to restock my zine supplies. I do have issue #13 of The Stay At Home Girlfriend out now, just listed. It made it's debut at EBABZ and sold out fast. I also want to give a zine shout out to No Means Yes, Right? A Street Harassment Guide - I have a small piece on my mean face in this issue!

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